WORLD | Impact measurement methodology

As part of its 2025 strategy, IECD wanted to improve the impact measurement of its entrepreneurship support projects. The objective is to formalise a unique monitoring and analysis framework with standardised and simplified indicators that provide information on the economic and social impacts of the beneficiaries.

The challenge of this mission is to help IECD to reflect on the notion of impact, while capitalising on the existing data and rationalising the data collection efforts for the teams in the various operational areas.

In this mission’s context, Red Mangrove’s intervention lies in:

  • Helping to formalise a vision and a common strategic framework for IECD’s intervention in the field of entrepreneurship support, by integrating a gender approach.
  • Helping to define a clear theory of change explaining how the interventions can contribute to the strategy’s expected objectives.
  • Establish a common monitoring framework and a library of indicators.
  • Define appropriate collection methods and tools.
  • Draft a methodological guide

(photo credit: IECD)


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