Senegal | Study on the role of innovative financing in reducing waste and spoilage
The Rockfeller Foundation and the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), which seek to improve food security, nutrition, productivity, and incomes of smallholder farmers in Africa, commissioned the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) to conduct a study on the “Role of Innovative Finance in Creating the Necessary Conditions for Waste Reduction in Africa”. The study was intended to inform decision-makers on feasible and sustainable financial models, and products and investments that can be scaled up and/or replicated to promote adoption of these solutions.
As part of this effort, NRI contracted Red Mangrove to lead the analysis for Senegal. We conducted a review of the value chains’ needs, as well as a mapping of available financing options, and proposed the relevant financing options, bridging the demand gap. Proposals for innovative products and options took into account financing providers’ offers and capacities. This work was conducted through consultations with banks, non-bank financial institutions, microfinance institutions, NGOs, government stakeholders, and with some key demand-side actors (traders, processors, and farmer representative groups).